The Iconoclastic Investor

To make better than average money in the stock market you have to do something different from the average investor. You have to be an iconoclast--thinking independently and finding the approaches that work for you, not blindly following someone else's program. In this blog I'm refining my own iconoclastic and eclectic ways of thinking. I'm not trying to convert anyone to my opinions or methods--I just hope to provide a useful perspective and inspire some other investors' thinking.

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Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Possible Alternative-Energy Trade

Energy Conversion Devices (ENER) makes solar panels and rechargeable batteries. It is one alternative-energy stock that hasn't rolled over from uptrend to downtrend, but it's in a pullback that's rather extreme even for such a volatile stock. It closed today 17% below its peak of $56 last Wednesday. It seems likely the pessimism is overdone on this stock, and it could get a good bounce if the sector gets any good news. If it pulls back another day or two I could get more intrigued. And for full disclosure, I'll note that today's drop made a major break below a very nice trendline started in March, a development chart readers generally consider to be bearish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog. i find the ENER sale going on very interesting. I too will be looking to take a position when it looks like things are at its worse. probably options.

Have you reviewed GIGM. I own it and plan to hold for long term. I normally just trade in and out by timing stocks that I have come to know. Then I found the GIGM story so compelling 1 qtr ago and bought at 6. I have never had such a solid growth stock that is well behaved for the longs, if you know what I mean. Would be interested in your thoughts, was I lucky or do you see my double or better possibilities?

9:28 PM  
Blogger Houyhnhnm said...

GigaMedia is doing better than my high-tech entertainment stocks, so I'm going to add it to my watch list. Will respond more fully later.

Thanks for the comment and the tip.


11:32 PM  

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